
Refence: Maior

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BootyMcBoots's avatar

Literature Text

Name: Maior

Scientific name: Homo- Tantus

Male stats:

Average height:  2.7432 Meters

Average weight: 204.55 Kilograms

Average life expectancy: 50 years

Male characteristics:

Build: All Maior look like extremely elongated humans, as their arms and legs are 1.5 times longer than a human's would be to scale (Including fingers and toes). Their increased height relates to the very powerful soil in the areas they come from. The plants grew much bigger and plentiful, and everything else grew to match.
Overall, Maior males (And females) are skinnier then you would expect something of their size to be. However, they have minimal body fat as a result of evolution in areas that are warm most of the year. Most of their mass is muscle, which is finely toned as everyone in their society has their own farm.

Facial characteristics: Maior faces are pretty much exactly alike their Human counterparts. The only difference is that their nostrils and mouths are bigger, as to breath more air.

Female stats:

Average height:  2.6 meters

Average weight: 195 Kiliograms

Average life expectancy: 50 years

Build: Maior females look disturbingly similar to the males of their species. Their hair does grow out longer, and they are skinnier, but other than that a fully clothed male and female look identical. You could tell by the large hips, or the breasts, but Maior all wear extremely baggy clothes.

Facial characteristics: They look more masculine then the typical female face. Just enough to trip you up for a minute, but not enough to be creepy.

Male and female shared adaptations

Skin: Maior tend to not like the sun, so for quite some time they have worn large hats and garments. It's rare to find a tanned Maior. Most are moderately paler then a typical European would be.  However, their lifestyle has made their skin naturally rough.

Inner adaptations: Higher lung capacity due to the higher need for oxygen. In addition, their hearts are many times stronger than a Human's as to adapt with their hardworking nature and increased height. These two together allow them to do hard work longer without being as tired. Their bodies are highly flexible to allow them to bend over better and run faster. As a side note, their eyes can see things slightly clearer then a Human's can.

About 10% of Maior have a alergic reaction to the blood of other creatures. This causes a sense of eurphoria, as well as increased aggression. After prolonged exposure, their skin turns grey and their eyes sink into their heads. Most of these Maior who are addicted to blood become warriors, hunters and butchers.

Eyes:  Maior's tend to have brown, green or blue eyes, but other colors are not unheard of.
Maior, the giant farmers. more coming soon.

Umm... no. They do not farm giants. they are giants who farm. Stupid ass watchers....

Edit: Oh, so yeah. I would have made it more detailed, but I couldn't think of anything to add. PLease ask questions so that I can add to it.

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DarthVengeance0325's avatar
Gargantuan farmers should be entertaining.